Carly Selby’s Classroom Page

Classroom Pictures

Our visit from the Hutsonville Fire Station

We learned about fire safety and got to do a fun fire drill with a mock set up with smoke and how to exit during a house fire. 

We love our new hats too!

Pumpkin Carving

Today our class carved a pumpkin. We chose what shapes they would use for eyes, nose and mouth. We pulled the seeds and inside of the pumpkin, out. 

We also went on a nature walk and enjoyed the fall weather. 

Our Halloween Party

Classroom Pictures

Our Thanksgiving Day Parade

Danke Reindeer Farm field trip

We learned a lot about reindeer. We even got to feel their fur and antlers. After we toured the farm, we played on the playground, played putt-putt and rode the reindeer train.

Today we made our very own Gingerbread Man! 

Today we melted sugar (goes with our Science unit -states of matter) and made our Ginger Bread House. We could try the icing as sprinkles if we wanted to. 

We decorated our classroom Christmas tree today. 

Making a piñata out of paper mache in Miss Carly’s class. 

Valentines Day Party in Miss Carly’s class

Morning Yoga 

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