Procedural Safeguards for Parent/Guardians of Students with Disabilities
The following is a summary of the major parents/guardian procedural safeguards provided under state and federal law for parents/guardians of students with disabilities. If you wish a copy of the full nine page listing of safeguards, click on the links below or contact your local school, school district, or the LCSSU office. The full procedural safeguards will be offered to you at your child’s next IEP meeting.
- Written notice 10 days prior to any proposed changes in the identification, evaluation or placement of your child.
- All information given to you must be understandable to you in your language or other mode of communication.
- Written parent/guardian consent must be given to the district before an individualized evaluation of the child prior to the initial placement in special education.
- A parent/guardian of a student with a disability has the right to obtain an independent evaluation of the student.
- A parent/guardian should not expect the district to pay the cost of an education at a homebound/private/nonpublic school if the district makes available a free, appropriate public education and the parent/guardian decides to unilaterally place the child in the homebound/private/nonpublic facility.
- If a student with a disability is to receive discipline for breaking school rules, the child’s understanding of the action and disability will be considered before long-term suspension or expulsion from school may occur.
- A parent/guardian or school district may initiate a due process hearing regarding a difference of opinion over the identification, evaluation, or placement of a student. A request for a due process hearing cannot be denied for any reason under Illinois law.
- If a parent/guardian requests to review education records of the child, these records must be provided within 15 days.
Full Version of Parental Rights (both English & Spanish)