Mrs Rennier treated the ED team to a tasty fruit pizza. Hoping for a great school year!We made balloon figures today. Chase asked for a hat and part of it popped. LOLQuienton made a bird with his balloon.Aiden made a sword. He also had a bunny but it popped when he sat it down on the desk.They made puppies for Mrs. Rennier and Mrs. Bruner!
Mrs. Bruner and Mrs. Rennier received their 5-year pins with SESE. Here’s to five more!
Aiden created a PowerPoint presentation and gave it to our class. We are very proud of him. Nice job Aiden!Chase brought Mrs. Rennier and Mrs. Bruner flowers this morning. He was so excited. They had extra time this morning so gma stopped so he could pick then. We appreciate that so much!
OES Jr High got to go to Nuttall Middle School to watch the BMX Air Show on Wednesday. We really enjoyed the show!
Aiden really enjoyed the BMX Air Show. There was a photographer there and he caught Aiden’s “beady eyes.”
Chase is helping Aiden to learn to spend money and count change. Thank you teacher Chase!
Aiden is getting a warm greeting of high fives from some Oblong students!Teacher Chase is at it again. Reading AR with Aiden.We celebrated Mrs B’s birthday which was on Halloween. She helps all of our kiddos and we appreciate all that she does for us. Happy Birthday!Aiden made some beautiful flower arrangements for his vocational class. He works so hard and does a great job!Our team on Halloween.
We gave the students a Christmas present of food and had yummy pizza at Monicals! We love being a part of their lives.
Aiden is getting ready to eat the Christmas tree he made, so we thought we should get a picture first! Nice job Aiden! Yummy!Merry Christmas from EDIII. Aiden loves Christmas trees!Merry Christmas! Enjoying donuts and Santa!We played some fun games today for Christmas celebration. We had hot chocolate, Oreo cookies and cream ice cream and lots of prizes.
We are excited for our break! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you next year.
Aiden is taking Health with Mrs. Rennier. Today we talked about the healthy food groups: vegetables, protein, whole grains, fruit, and dairy. In the middle of the table is what is unhealthy. Notice that group is larger and what we like the most.
Aiden made a couple of sandwiches with condiments. He had a lot of fun doing this.
We had to celebrate Mrs. Rennier’s birthday a little late. It was December 26. We had a nice salad bar and fruit pizza. Question: is she 66 or 99? LOL
Jeremiah and Vincent came to visit Aiden during fun Friday. They chose to have some fun with Mr. Potato Head. What!? No computers or iPads! What’s up with that?Quienton chose computer time for his Fun Friday, after getting his homework done, of course.
100th Day of School
On Friday, February 7th we celebrated the 100th day of school with some fun activities. Quienton made a 100 sign with 100 pieces of legos.
Activities that day included building a structure with 100 marshmallows and 100 toothpicks, seeing how far we would get licking tootsie roll tootsie pops 100 times, making a necklace from 100 fruit loops, taking pics of what we will look like at 100 years old, and listening to songs and watching dances that were popular 100 years ago. We had great fun and everyone there earned the fun Friday events!
We are celebrating Dr. Seuss week and today is Wacky Wednesday. Here is your wacky teacher today.Wacky Wednesday team working hard.Quienton and Mrs. Rennier went to the Reality Store on Wednesday. His 2 chances at Wheel of Fortune were 2 additional monies! Quienton actually had some money leftover which he put into his savings. Way to save!
Aiden visited EDII on Wednesday while Mrs Rennier was at the Reality Store. He completed the Morning Binder, which he found to be too long. Thankfully, Ledger was kind enough to help him out. Thanks Ledger! And thanks to EDII for helping us out today!